May is Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month, and who better to celebrate with than broadcast journalist Lisa Ling, Smithsonian APA Center Director Konrad Ng, and blogger Phil Yu of Angry Asian Man? The three of them, and more Asian American community leaders, held a Google Hangout on Wednesday, May 1 to talk about the event, including their personal stories and ideas for how to make Asian American history more widely known to the general population. The theme of the 2013 Asian-Pacific Heritage Month is “I Want the Wide American Earth” based on a poem by Filipino American writer Carlos Bulosan.
In case you missed the Asian Pacific Heritage Month Google Hangout, you can watch the video here:
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And make sure to check out our list of books to share Asian American history with your kids.
Hello, so sorry but the embedded video above is no longer available and had to be re-uploaded! Please use this link instead:
Smithsonian APA Center
Thanks for the update! The new video is now up.