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Asian Fusion Family and Food
By Grace
By Grace
After a particularly tearful battle over toothbrushing with our seven year-old last, the four year-old came sneaking out of his bedroom. Just when you think you’ve completely screwed up your kids, they surprise you…
By Grace
I was talking to a mom friend today, who has two hapa daughters. She was telling me how her six year-old daughter remarked, “I’m Chinese and American!” “No,” she corrected, “You’re Chinese and white. We’re ALL American.” Which leads to me to an interesting observation. For as much as I ponder the significance of ethnicity […]
By Grace
Remember my post a few weeks back? Is Being a Good Boy Always a Good Thing? This week, HapaMama finds out that maybe her seven year old is just a regular kid, after all.
By Grace
No Child Left Behind? A letter arrives from the school district, forcing HapaMama to do some soul-searching about what’s right for her child.
By Grace
By Grace
By Grace