Census Shows Big Increase in Mixed-Race Marriages, Babies… and Blogs April 27, 2012 By Grace One in ten married couples includes partners of different races. And guess which racial mixes have the highest increases in birthrates?
Mixed Match Needs Funds to Finish Production – Donate on Indiegogo April 11, 2012 By Grace Learn more about the Mixed Match film by Jeff Chiba Stearns
Four-year old Kyle Needs a Chinese-Caucasian Bone Marrow Donor December 20, 2011 By Grace Bone marrow drive for Kyle happening Saturday, January 7 in San Mateo. Click for details
Be The One Run: Help Mixed Marrow Find a Donor for Krissy Kobata November 6, 2011 By Grace I’ve written before about the importance — and difficulty — of finding a bone marrow donor match for a mixed race patient. If you live in Southern California, here’s your chance to help!
Lunch Wars Book Review and My Own School Food Journey September 28, 2011 By Grace Reading, Writing and… Rutabaga? Why teaching kids about healthy eating should be part of education.
Why Does School Start So Early? August 15, 2011 By Grace It’s hard to believe the kids are back in class, when it feels like summer
The Sunscreen Wars July 30, 2011 By Grace They say getting there is half the battle. I say, getting the sunscreen on is half the battle…
Do You Shield Your Kids From Negative Portrayals of Asians? July 18, 2011 By Grace Sooner or later, your kids are bound to see racist portrayals of Asians on the big screen. How do you deal with it?