I don’t know about your school, but at my kids’ schools, there’s a new fad that EVERY KID needs to have. It’s not Minecraft, it’s not a Rainbow Loom, but it’s an old-fashioned wooden toy from Japan that our grandparents probably played with. In fact, a few years ago, my dad gave my boys these brightly painted wooden ball and cup toys, which they toyed around with for a while, then put aside. A kendama is sort of a souped-up version of that quaint plaything and somehow, it has captured the fascination of my kids, as well as most of their classmates.
Seems like kendamas are especially popular in California and Hawaii, but look for the craze to hit your hometown. In the meantime… read up on it so you can be the cool parent.
Check out my article 5 Facts About Kendamas, the New Toy Fad at Mom.me…
My grandsons have been playing with their Kendamas for about three months. My youngest grandson, 12, said he is considered very good, and my oldest grandson, 13, is considered “very Beast mode, ” and has won a Kendama tournament to his happy credit.
I am glad I stopped by to visit, Grace, it has been much too long. But I promise to stop by again soon. :)
So nice to hear from you, Virginia! Congratulations to your Kendama champ grandson… and hope to see you around again. Are you blogging much lately?
Hello Grace! Thank you, we are very proud of my grandson. :)
To answer your question: No, I have not blogged in a very long time, and I really do miss it. Writing was an awesome outlet from my everyday life. I have much to blog about, such as becoming an Empty Nester, then being forced to move again (into small-space living), to a 1-bedroom apartment, and then having to give up our chickens and no longer able to grow vegetable. I miss caring for a garden. Sigh. Through it all, well, I just can’t seem to gather my thoughts. I am presently looking for inspiration. Lol!
I will see you here again soon.