How can you resist a face like this?
Most preschoolers want Thomas trains or Polly Pocket dolls for Christmas, but one Bay Area preschooler needs a much more important gift this holiday. And it’s a gift you might be able to give. Four-year old Kyle Crawford is in serious need of a bone marrow donor — and his best chances for a match would be from someone who is Chinese and Caucasian Hapa, like himself.
Kyle was recently diagnosed with aplastic anemia and is in urgent need of a bone marrow transplant. He is adorable and reminds me of my own little guys. His description on the Asian American Donor Program website reads:
My name is Kyle and I am four years old. My favorite things in the whole world are fish and sharks and whales. Maybe one day I will get to swim next to a great white shark! My favorite game is Angry Birds, and I am really good at it. I love super heroes, too! And I love my baby sister, who is only eleven months old. My parents always tell me my birthday is a really lucky day because I was born on 7/7/07.
I hope you will help AADP and me to find someone who will be my lucky match!
I know many of my readers are in the San Francisco Bay Area, and I hope you will try to make time in your busy schedules to get tested at one of two upcoming drives in San Mateo and San Francisco. Both events are after the holidays. Testing takes only a few minutes and a swab of your cheek.
San Mateo
Saturday, January 7, 2012
1am – 2pm
Serendipity School
3172 Clearview Way, San Mateo, CA 94402
San Francisco
Saturday, January 14, 2012
12pm – 3pm
Haight Ashbury Free Clinics
558 Clayton Street, San Francisco, CA 94103
And if you happen to be outside of the Bay Area and would like to get tested for the registry, they can email Mixed Marrow (an all-volunteer group dedicated to raising awareness of the need for mixed-race bone marrow donors) for a FREE testing kit by sending us their name and mailing address to .
Joining the bone marrow registry is a great way to make a meaningful difference this holiday season. I know Kyle’s family is very grateful for all the help and support they can get!
My heart shrinks reading this. And though I cannot be a donor, Grace, because I am Latina, I can help by tweeting and facebooking your post. So I have at least done that. And little Kyle will be in my daily prayers. :)
As always, thank you for your kind thoughts and helping to get the word out. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Virginia!
This is heart-wrenching. I’ll be sure to tweet and post on FB in an effort to spread the word.
Thanks for your support, Christine!
I agree with everyone’s sentiment here! This is a heart-breaking story.. Being a latina, the only way I can help is to spread the word via sm channels..
Have they found a suitable donor for him yet? Please keep us posted..