I’ve been remiss is sharing some of the other things I’ve been up to lately, so here’s a quick of some of my other writing and places I’ve been featured this month:
Getting Off the Bench and Back to Work Everyone’s talking about mothers and careers and how much and where we should be working and whose fault it is when we’re not raking in the big bucks. Well, let me tell you… it’s not that easy to lean in after you’ve been opting out. In my latest post at Mom.me, I share some of the real-life stories from the mothers I commiserate with at the park bench. Check it out and leave a join in the converation in the comments!
Blog Carnival on Women and Immigration Reform Remember when I went to Washington D.C. earlier this month? That seemed like such a long time ago. Well, on Tuesday, the bipartisan Senate Gang of eight released its immigration reform plan, which encompasses many of the suggestions put forth by We Belong Together that would benefit the immigrant women and families. I’m honored to be included in the MomsRising blog carnival on “Strengthening Our Culture, Communities and Economy With the Contributions of Immigrant Women” hosted by Eve Ensler.
Realizing Our Differences and Similarities You know that teaching kids about diversity and appreciating our various cultures is a big thing for me. So it means a lot to me to be interviewed for the Raising Global Kids series on Plushkies, a company which makes unique stuffed toys which teach kids about different parts of the world. Read the full Q & A and meet other bloggers with an interest in sharing world cultures with children.
And if you’re in the Southern California area, join me next Saturday, April 20 at the NATWA convention at the Los Angeles Airport Marriott. I’ll be speaking on a panel about interracial and mixed-race identities. Hope to see you there!
Congrats on all of these features!!!