Happy weekend!
Our family just spent a hot summer night at the local Greek festival (gyros and baklava, anyone?). I’m too hot overheated and sun-weary to write… but wanted to share a couple of random blog post I found interesting. If you like HapaMama, you might also like:
Why Are All the Hapa Kids Sitting Together? blogged by Jeremy Adam Smith on Beacon Broadside. Sure, the article was originally written in 2008, but the ideas are still relevant. Smith wonders why his son, in a school of mostly white, Jewish children, chooses to play almost exclusively with his three half-Asian classmates. And it may not be a bad thing…
White on Rice Couple: Really, it’s safe to click on! It’s a food blog by photographer and food writers Todd and Diane. Todd is white, and Diane is Vietnamese (the rice part of the couple). Besides recipes and mouthwatering photos of their — often Asian influenced — creations, they also share many helpful photography tips and tutorials. Definitely bookmark-worthy!
Potato Salad That Bites Back: My latest post on OpenSalon (where I seem to be blogging more often of late, than at my own site) reflects on Taiwanese potato salad, and its variation, the potato salad bun. Really! Check out for my twist on the traditional potato salad, with the addition of wasabi. I posted this in response to the weekly Salon Kitchen Challenge — this week, Battle Picnic! The winning entry will be announced on Monday.
Happy reading and enjoy the weekend!