Happy New Year to you and your families!
Whether you are making a resolution or ten… or just resolving to accept yourself… I hope the beginning of calendar year brings opportunities to live life more fully.
Here are some posts you might enjoy:
Tired of re-inventing yourself? Christine Koh of Boston Mamas resolves to love her Asian features and stop trying to make herself over.
I’m only telling you this for your own good… Not sure if Yale Law professor Amy Chua uses this line on her daughters, but it is a familiar refrain in the Chinese style tough love parenting she advocates in her new book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. You can hear her more about why she thinks the Chinese way breeds strong, successful kids at the Berkeley Hillside Club on January 20, 2011. Or I can hook you up with one of my relatives, who will tell you the same thing — for free.
And back to the topic of resolutions, I’ve decided to set a drastic goal — A Year (Almost) Without Shopping — and blog about it here. It will be a challenge, for sure, but I hope that with proper incentives, I’ll be able to stay on track.
Here’s to 2010!
Happy new year! A year without shopping — dramatic but life-changing, just what a really good resolution is meant to be. Looking forward to hearing how it goes — and what cool things you’ll do with all the money you’ve saved from shopping! That’s what’ll make it all worth it in the end!
I’ll find some “creative” ways to make it happen, I hope!