Webinar: Learn How to Tackle the Task of Paying for College with Rosie Pope and ScholarShare May 15, 2017 By Grace Confused about paying for college? Join designer Rosie Pope and ScholarShare for a webinar on May 18 to learn about your options.
Wishing You a Properous Year of the Rooster with ScholarShare January 31, 2017 By Grace Fill your red envelopes for Lunar New Year and save for college with ScholarShare, California’s 529K education savings account.
Open a ScholarShare Account on December 9 and Get $50 Holiday Match December 8, 2016 By Grace Just start a new account with at least $50. You can even buy ScholarShare gift cards at Toys R Us.
September Is College Savings Month #CollegeSavingsPledge September 19, 2016 By Grace Some tips on how to pay for your kids’ education during College Savings Month… plus a chance to win $500 from our partners at ScholarShare!