I Kind of Hate Camping… But I Love The New Yorker October 14, 2013 By Grace Check out the latest issue of The New Yorker, where a cartoon character eerily similar to me goes camping – or at least shopping.
Sometimes I Even Make Friends in Real Life October 7, 2013 By Grace This was one of those “You know you’re a blogger moments”
Do Asian Grandparents Watch the Kids? August 26, 2013 By Grace Should grandma and grandpa take care of the kids? Depends on your culture
On Biking to Middle School August 24, 2013 By Grace Would you let your sixth grader ride his bike to school? What was a given a generation ago is an agonizing decision for today’s parents.
A Multiracial Asian Mom Wonders How Her Son Will See Himself June 22, 2013 By Grace Sharon Chang, a multiracial Asian herself, reflects on how her child identifies.
Happy 5th Blogiversary June 14, 2013 By Grace It’s been five years since I started blogging at HapaMama. Thank you for all your support!
What Happens in Taiwan… June 4, 2013 By Grace What happens in Taiwan, stays in Taiwan. Until my guilty conscience gets to me, and I write a blog post about it. 7 Parenting mistakes I made while on vacation.
Taiwanese Carnival Games May 14, 2013 By Grace I have a soft spot for carnival games, especially the janky DIY kind found in tourist areas and night markets around Taiwan.