HapaMama’s talking about kids and the Internet on BlogHer.com. Check out her post and add your thoughts about how young is too young to be using the web.

Asian Fusion Family and Food
By Grace
HapaMama’s talking about kids and the Internet on BlogHer.com. Check out her post and add your thoughts about how young is too young to be using the web.
By Grace
Remember my post a few weeks back? Is Being a Good Boy Always a Good Thing? This week, HapaMama finds out that maybe her seven year old is just a regular kid, after all.
By Grace
No Child Left Behind? A letter arrives from the school district, forcing HapaMama to do some soul-searching about what’s right for her child.
By Grace
By Grace
By Grace
I’m not really a fan of the highly academic, grades-are-everything method of education. But having been raised by parents who come from a Confucian culture where education is revered above almost everything, and studying is the closest we came to competitive sports, it’s hard to escape the attention to education that has been ingrained in me since I was… well, Big Brother’s age.