Grace is featured in an article on the front page of today’s San Jose Mercury News.
Taiwanese Write-In for Census 2010 Makes SJ Mercury News
Saying Grace
What’s in a name? HapaMama finds new meaning in her own name…
Formosa Betrayed
HapaMama talks about the new film Formosa Betrayed and how to pass on the legacy of being Taiwanese American to her kids.
Happy Year of the Tiger!
Happy Chinese New Year! HapaMama reflects on some yummy dumpling making adventures with her kids.
Chinese New Year Book Picks
It’s time to start reading up for the Year of the Sheep! Here are some book choices for kids and adults
Are You Taiwanese? Half? Here’s Your 15 Minutes of Fame
Filmmakers looking for Taiwanese and Half-Taiwanese “regular people” to appear in a public service announcement for the 2010 US Census. HapaMama tells you how you can play a role!
Zen and the Art of Clutter Reduction
The holidays are over, leaving us with too much… everything. HapaMama is looking for some Asian inspiration on achieving a Zen atmosphere.
Read Grace’s Essay in the New Book Lavanderia — Now Available
HapaMama is putting aside her Asian faux-humility… and *gasp* telling people to read her essay Dirty House, Clean Conscience in Lavanderia, published by City Works Press.