Scrambled Eggs and Tomatoes: Real Homestyle Chinese Food April 5, 2012 By Grace What came first– the tomato or the egg? This months’ Let’s Lunch does! Check out my favorite Chinese dish that you won’t find in any restaurant.
Corned Beef Musubi and Pickled Cabbage March 14, 2012 By Grace St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner… and we’re celebrating Hapa-style, with a Hawaiian twist on one of my kids’ favorite foods!
How to Brew a Better Pot of Tea March 9, 2012 By Grace 10 Tips to brew a better pot of tea from one of Taiwan’s tea experts
Of Loaves and Fruitcakes December 9, 2011 By Grace This month’s Let’s Lunch theme is Festive Side Dishes. Mine may not exactly be a side dish. Then again, maybe it is…
Pasta Puttanesca – This Spaghetti’s For Adults Only November 11, 2011 By Grace Tired of all that kiddie food? Well, spice things up a little with this decidedly grown-up recipe.
Let’s Lunch! High Tea with Taiwanese Sandwiches October 7, 2011 By Grace In search of the origins of the Taiwanese sandwich that seems more British than Asian
Lunch Wars Book Review and My Own School Food Journey September 28, 2011 By Grace Reading, Writing and… Rutabaga? Why teaching kids about healthy eating should be part of education.
My Golden Delicious and Caramel Apple Bars September 19, 2011 By Grace It’s apple picking time! All we have to do is step outside our door…